Lonneke Jonker
For me the public space is one of the most valuable places to create my art. I believe art should not only be created for those who understand and studied art but also to inspire a broader public. Art has the power to show things in a different way and it is capable of giving people new insights and to put things in a broader perspective. With art we can make the world a better place, we can connect people with art and make a stronger and more valuable cultural exchange that enriches our society.
What constitutes and influences a culture? As far back as I can remember I am interested in the nature that we call our culture. Where do these cultural habits come from? Each country, even each city, subculture or counterculture has their own cultural habits. One of the things that interest me within the cultural jungle is food. Rotterdam, the city I live in for almost nine years, has many people from different cultures living within the city boundaries. Every culture has their own (food)habits and these habits are visible in the contemporary food culture in the city. The public places where the cultural exchange is noticeable are the city markets. Where I get most of my inspiration from are the markets and street-food culture. The way people consume their food fascinates me.
The main focus points in my work are ethics, food and bringing people together. Most of the time I create a work that combines these elements. I use food because it is not only a visual tool, but also triggers all the senses.